Summit Educational Resources - 13th Annual Autism Awareness Walk

April 3, 2012

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Monday, April 2nd was World Autism Awareness Day and to kick off the month of awareness,
Summit Educational Resources held a press conference to introduce their 13th Annual Autism Awareness Walk on April 28, 2012!

Duane Paddock, of Paddock Chevrolet has partnered with Summit Educational Resources‘s Annual Autism Awareness Walk for many years. With his help, the organization has well surpassed many fundraising goals and has helped to bring a new level of awareness to the growing global health issue of Autism in children & young adults.

“Both Jeff[Zimmer] and I believe… it’s not what a business takes out of it’s community that defines a business, it’s really what it gives back to the community… we need to be here for organizations like this.”

Paddock Chevrolet and ReedsJenss have teamed up to co-chair this years walk, and need YOUR help to make a difference in the lives of children and families across Western New York!